D I S C H G O L F R U L E S |
Preparation. | Fix the Dischgolf course on a flat table. Discuss with your opponents in which direction the map will point. All competitors get ready for Tee-off. | |||
Game. | The first player puts his/her pen on the tee. Then he/she closes his/her eyes and waits for about 2 seconds before "throwing the disc". The player must not open his/her eyes until the end of a throw. Check wether stroke ended up on a fairway/OB area etc. and put your mark(er). All other players tee off. | |||
Regelkunde. | Besides the common discgolf rules, there are some extra rules for the game of dischgolf. |
During throw: | NO SEAT-POSITION-CHANGE. |
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Putting. |
A putt is sinked when the stroke ends within the basket. If you throw through the basket, the putt will only stick if the stroke's lenght outside the basket is/is less than it´s length inside the basket. (4+6). |
1-4 Hit. |
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5-6 No Hit. |
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individual extra rules can be found on the course!